wny young birder club


Bird on a Branch

Bird of the Month

June Recap

It was great to see so many ​young birder families at ​Allegany Nature Pilgrimage and ​Reinstein Get Outdoors and Get ​Together Day! We also had a ​wonderful time celebrating ​International Guillemot ​Appreciation Day with ​guillemot facts, videos, snacks, ​costumes, art, and fun!

The June bird of the month is the Belted ​Kingfisher. The Belted Kingfisher (a.k.a., BEKI) ​is a common bird that will eat pretty much ​anything but particularly like fish. They perch ​over streams and lakes then dive straight ​down into the water to catch fish. They are ​related to kookaburras and the females are ​called "queen fishers". One super cool fact ​about BEKIs is that they nest in burrows that ​they excavate themselves! A great place to ​see BEKIs around here is at the bend in the ​creek that runs through Forest Lawn ​Cemetery - listen for their distinctive cackle! ​Belted Kingfishers, along with Northern ​Cardinals, are one of the most common spark ​birds according to recent findings from The ​Spark Bird Project! What is your spark bird? ​Share it today at www.spark-bird.org!

Belted Kingfisher

Happy birding!

Our July event is a very special stuffy ​sleepover at Alice, Ever After Books!

Make sure to check out all our ​upcoming events below!

Upcoming Events

  • July 12, 5pm: Birds & books @ Alice, Ever After Books with the Stuffy Sleepover! Bring your ​favorite stuffy by the shop at 5pm for a favorite birdy book before their evening of ​adventures begin. Pick them up anytime the next day! Event is free but registration is ​required at https://www.aliceeverafterbooks.com/events. Teen birders interested in ​helping - check in with us for more info on how you can help out!!
  • August 10, 10am-11:30am: I Bird NY walk @ Reinstein! Visit ​https://reinsteinwoods.org/events/i-bird-ny/ for more information and to register.
  • September 14, 10am-3pm: I Dig WNY @ Penn Dixie.
  • October 20, 1pm-3pm: Bird Mask Makerspace!
  • November, date TBD: Potluck & Movie
  • December: Happy Holidays, No programming!


As always visit our Events page to stay up to date on our latest events at any time! Don't forget to let us know ​your ideas by email or using this brief survey.

Want to organize an event? Just reach out!

We are hard at work planning activities for 2025 and welcome your ideas!


Thanks to all the great local nature organizations for their support of the club! There is no financial or legal obligation to friendship! Friends simply help spread the word and, if interested, organize an event for the young birders. We share information about friends on the website and in emails - we also try to make sure to list bird-related events friends are hosting on our calendar and friends' camps on our camp list. The WNYYBC operates in partnership with Birds on the Niagara, an international Buffalo-based organization celebrating birds, conservation, and social justice. For more information visit http://www.birdniagara.org/.

Don't Forget - Birding Gear Freecycle!

Did you upgrade to a better scope or outgrow a favorite birding t-shirt? Do you need to trim down your field guide collection or rehome some old bird feeders? Donate your gently used* birding gear! Gear can range from optics and cameras to books to clothes and warm weather gear to feeders, dvds, and more - anything potentially bird-related is fair game! All gear is inventoried at https://www.wnyybc.org/local-birding-resources/gear-freecycle.

The WNY Young Birder Club, The Spark Bird Project, the Feminist Bird Club of Buffalo, and Birds on the Niagara will work with community partners to redistribute gear to individuals who love birds but may not have the resources to afford birding gear and/or folks just starting their birding journey. Please contact one of these organizations if you would like to donate or receive birding gear!

*please only gear in good, working order